• QM-44_Combox3_w_glassware_large.jpg

    Lower-profile mantle for repetitive extracting, refluxing, and distilling. Heating element container system allows the user to easily replace an element in a matter of minutes. Glassware support superstructure consisting of two upright rods, two horizontal rods and four double-sided, open face clamps.

    Available with your choice of two control types: percentage timer or proportional voltage. The percentage-timer version pulses full-line voltage to each heating position according to the dial setting. The proportional-voltage version supplies a constant, steady-state voltage to each position. Glassware not included in price. Contact Astraglass for condenser and joint size options.

  • QM-62

    Glas-Col heating tapes are ribbon-type heating elements running length wise in the tape and encased in durable glass braid and impregnated and covered with tough silicone rubber, which insulates stranded terminal leads at one end and waterproofs fittings at both ends.  Heating tapes are ideal for use in high moisture areas, are resistant to most laboratory environmental conditions, and easily pass a 1,000V test for electrical insulation.  Temperature limit 480°F/249°C